Current research projects
2000m2 Baltic - Co-creating food culture and innovation Partners: Rosendals trädgård, Sweden; Research Centre of Organic Farming of Estonian University of Life Sciences EULS RCOF (Eesti Maaülikooli Mahekeskus), Estonia; Estonian Organic Farming Foundation, (EOFF), Estonia; and Stanisław Karłowski-Foundation/ FSK (Fundacja imienia Stanisława Karłowskiego), Poland. Project leader Sofi Gerber. Financed by Swedish Institute.
Transforming food systems on a global scale is one of the single most important things that need to happen in order to meet Agenda 2030 goals and to steer away from the worst climate change scenarios.
This transformation needs to be guided by scientific knowledge about boundaries of ecosystems on different scales. In BSR, we need for example to be aware of the planetary boundaries and the boundaries of the Baltic sea. We also need to take into account the need to use less arable land/person and year for food production if, to make it possible to feed the growing world population. Sharing arable land equitably provides each person with 2000m2 for food production. Read more here.
Agriculture for a sustainable climate - Jordbruk för ett hållbart klimat. Vallodling och de idisslande djurens klimatpåverkan. Lead researcher Artur Granstedt. Financed by Gyllenbergsstiftelsen.
Recent research projects
Food Clusters in Poland - Evaluation of Sustainable Food Initiatives - projektansvar Artur Granstedt, medarbetare Sofi Gerber, Eva Johansson, Malgorzata Lekan and Anna Szumełda. Fiansiär Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation.
Återföring av växtnäring till åkermark, Skilleby våtmark - Artur Granstedt, Wijnand Koker, Eva Johansson. Fiansiärer Stockholms läns landsting och Vidarstiftelsen
Climate and Norwegian Agriculture - Klimaräkenskap för Norskt Lantbruk. Lead researcher, Grete Lene Serikstad Norsök Norge with Artur Granstedt. Financed by Stiftelsen Eir
Sustainable legume production - Hållbar produktion av vallbaljväxter. Lead researcher Ann-Charlotte Wallenhammar, Hushållningssällskapet i Örebro, with Artur Granstedt. Financed by Ekhagastiftelsen.
Will Poland Make the Same Mistakes as Sweden? Opportunities and challenges for a transition to Ecological Recycling Agriculture to save the Baltic Sea environment Lead researcher Artur Granstedt. Financed by Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation.
Final studies and evaluation of long-term cultivation system trials in conventional organic and biodynamic agriculture with a focus on the quality of soil, food and climate impacts located in Central Sweden and Scania south of Sweden. Lead researcher Artur Granstedt. Financed by Softwarestiftung.
Comparison between ecological and conventional farming, field trials in Scania- Avslutande utvärdering av ett unikt långliggande jämförande odlingssystemsförsök med ekologisk och konventionell odling i Önnestad Skåne. Lead researcher Artur Granstedt Financed by Ekhagastiftelsen.