Forskningsintitutet har publicerat följande vetenskapliga artiklar
Artur Granstedt, 2009, Mineralämnesförsörjning i biodynamisk odling, Läs här
Artur Granstedt, Lars Kjellenberg, 2017, Carbon sequestration in long term on farm studies. IFOAM Conference proceedings. Research Report Innovative research for organic 3.0 - Volume 1: Proceedings of the scientific track at the Organic World Congress 2017, November 9-11 in Delhi, India. Läs här.
Granstedt, A., Kjellenberg, L. Carbon sequestration in long-term, on-farm studies in organic and biodynamic agriculture, Sweden Poster IFOAM, Indien November 2017. Läs här.
Granstedt, A. et al., 2008. Ecological Recycling Agriculture to Reduce Nutrient Pollution to the Baltic Sea. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 26, pp.279–307.
Granstedt, A., 1995. Long term field experiment in Sweden (K-Trial). Effects on organic and inorganic fertilizers on soils and crops. Fertilization, crop yield and quality. In J. Raupp, ed. Main effects of various organic and mineral fertilization on soil organic matter turnover and plant growth. Concerted action supported by the European Community: Fertilization Systems in Organic Farming. pp. 16–21.
Granstedt, A., 2000. Stallgödselanvändning i ekologisk odling med hänsyn till hushållning med växtnäringsämnen och produktion i ekologisk odling. (Farmyard manure in ecological agriculture regarding to plant nutrients conservation and production, In Swedish with English summa,
Granstedt, A. & Kjellenberg, L., 1997. Long-term field experiment in Sweden: Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil fertility and crop quality. In W. Lockerets, ed. International Conference on Agricultural Production and Nutrition. Boston, pp. 83–111.
Granstedt, A. & Kjellenberg, L., 1996. Quality investigations with the K-trial, Järna, and other Scandinavian fertilization experiments. In J. Raupp, ed. Quality of plant products grown with manure fertilization. Concerted action supported by the European Community. Juva, Finland.
Granstedt, A. & L-Baeckström, G., 2000. Studies on the preceding crop effect of ley in ecological agriculture. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, 15(2), pp.68–78.
Granstedt, A., Seuri, P. & Thomsson, O., 2004. Effective recycling agriculture around the Baltic Sea, Uppsala: Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, SLU.
Kjellenberg, L. & Granstedt, A., 2015. Influences of Biodynamic and Conventional Farming Systems on Quality of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Crops: Results from Multivariate Analyses of Two Long-Term Field Trials in Sweden. Foods, 4(3).
Kjellenberg, L. & Granstedt, A., 1996. Long term field experiment in Sweden. Effects on organic and inorganic fertilizers on soils and crops. In 11th Intern SCI. IFOAM conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, p. Vol. 1.
Kjellenberg, L. & Granstedt, A., 1998. Samband mellan mark, gröda och gödsling. Resultat från K-försöket, en 33-årig studie av gödslingens inverkan på mark och grödors egenskaper, Järna.
Larsson, M. & Granstedt, A., 2010. Sustainable governance of the agriculture and the Baltic Sea—Agricultural reforms, food production and curbed eutrophication. Ecological Economics, 69(10), pp.1943–1951.
Larsson, M., Granstedt, A. & Thomsson, O., 2012. Sustainable Food System – Targeting Production Methods , Distribution or Food Basket Content? In M. Reed, ed. Organic Food and Agriculture – New Trends and Developments in the Social Sciences. InTech, pp. 197–216.
Stein-Bachinger, K. et al., 2015. Ecological Recycling Agriculture to Enhance Agro-Ecosystem Services in the Baltic Sea Region: Guidelines for Implementation. Land, 4(3), pp.737–753. Available at: